The Monument Circle stands in the middle of the Indianapolis for those who lost their lives for the freedom of this land. It is also the center of the city, surrounding by several great corporations like WellPoint and Eli Lily.

The Monument Circle stands in the middle of the Indianapolis for those who lost their lives for the freedom of this land. It is also the center of the city, surrounding by several great corporations like WellPoint.

The view from the top floor of City Hall of Indianapolis.
In the downtown area, there are several skyscrapers, of course they are not as high as the buildings in Chicago or New York. To be honest, it is not a big city comparing to Taipei, the place I live in Taiwan. To other small towns in Indiana or other state, it is a good place though.

Buildings here are beautiful. The picture above is the United States Court, with a kind of 19 century style, built with Lime stone, which is the high quality stone from Indiana.

The Road Sign in the downtown of Indianapolis.
The pedestrian signs with LED dynamic lights may show how many seconds are there for pedestrians. I personally prefer the pedestrian signs in Taiwan, a little animated green man walking in the light, cute!

Well, yes. This is the downtown of Indianapolis. Not really busy, isn't it? It is one of the feature of the Indianapolis. The life style here is quite slow, relaxing and comfortable. Cars will always give the way to the pedestrians first, and people will greet to you if they make eye contacts with you. They say these only happens in Indiana, or other countryside in the US. In Chicago and New York City, it will be quite different.

The East side view from the City Country Hall. Besides of the downtown, it looks like that. Flat, low buildings and residential areas. Calm and peace.